Sayta daxil ol

Nothing will be
overlooked in
the management
of human resources!

Human resource management – covering all human activities in the workplace, planning the need for human resources within the enterprise, conducting job analysis and defining rights and responsibilities, recruiting, selection and placement of candidates, staff training and development, performance measurement, career management , reward system, discipline, socio-cultural activities.

As Net Finance, in addition to these services, we offer you the following services for your company in accordance with current labor legislation:

  • Execution of relevant operations on the e-government portal
  • Creation and management of personal files of employees, control over the registration of working hours, organization of documentation related to employment and dismissal
  • Ensuring the development of job descriptions for positions
  • Social and compulsory employee insurance procedures
  • Organize the recruitment process of foreign citizens, obtain temporary and permanent residence permits, work permits
  • Vacation records
  • Carrying out calculations related to temporary disability
  • Prepare and submit relevant monthly, quarterly and annual reports

for service

Find out more about how
we can help your
organization navigate its
next. Let us know your
areas of interest so that
we can serve you better.


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Net Finance

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