What are the new human resources entering our language and business system?The department, which functioned as a human resources department in the institutions, began to be replaced by human resource management in the 1980s. Although these two concepts are often used interchangeably, they differ in their functions. It covers such activities as personnel management, recruitment formalities, dismissals, issuing orders, and setting salaries. Let’s try to understand the meaning of this next one. Its functions include, first of all, communication with people, selection of candidates for vacant positions, creation of a system of rewards and penalties for employees, as well as maintenance and even development of the company’s corporate style. The atmosphere in the team mainly depends on these people. Therefore, the HR manager’s responsibilities include formulating and communicating the goals and mission of the enterprise to employees, carrying out activities that will help strengthen the internal spirit of the organization, as well as creating opportunities for each employee to open their own perspectives for the position. One of the main requirements for an HR manager is higher education. Any education can be, for example, legal, economic, psychological, pedagogical, commercial, the main thing is that this education should be deep and systematic. Particular attention should be paid to moral and spiritual qualities. Special attention should be paid to moral and spiritual qualities. The employee in the field in question must be organized, understanding, communicative and practical.
To observe the effectiveness of this profession, we can pay special attention to the image of Wendy in the series “Billions”.
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